
Timber Treatments

Emory Preservations Ltd, a distinguished building preservation specialist located in Bristol, has earned a solid reputation for their comprehensive approach to timber treatments. Their expertise in this critical area includes a range of services that extend to locating the source of rot, biocide preservative treatment, timber replacement, masonry irrigation and sterilization, and bower beam installations.

Locating Source of Rot:
Timber decay, whether due to wet or dry rot, poses a significant threat to a property's structural integrity. Emory Preservations is proficient at identifying and locating the source of rot, utilizing advanced techniques and experienced professionals. By pinpointing the areas affected by decay, they can implement targeted solutions, preventing further spread and safeguarding the overall structure.

Biocide Preservative Treatment:
Emory Preservations employs biocide preservative treatment to halt the progression of rot and protect timber from future infestations. This process involves the application of specialized chemicals that penetrate the wood, preventing the growth of wood-destroying organisms. This treatment ensures the longevity of the timber while also preserving the integrity of the surrounding structure.

Timber Replacement:
When timber is severely compromised by rot, it is imperative to replace it to maintain structural integrity. Emory Preservations carries out precise and thorough timber replacement. They expertly remove decayed timber and replace it with new, treated timber that is resistant to future infestations. This meticulous approach ensures that the structure remains stable and secure.

Masonry Irrigation and Sterilization:
Timber issues often go hand-in-hand with masonry concerns. Emory Preservations is well-equipped to address both aspects by offering masonry irrigation and sterilization. They can treat masonry structures to eliminate moisture issues and sterilize surfaces to prevent the recurrence of decay. This comprehensive approach addresses the root causes of timber decay, ensuring long-term preservation.

Bower Beam Installations:
Bower beams are structural reinforcements designed to support and strengthen timber structures. Emory Preservations specializes in bower beam installations, adding vital support to areas that have been weakened by decay or other structural issues. This technique enhances the overall stability and safety of the property.

Emory Preservations Ltd's commitment to timber treatments is rooted in their dedication to providing holistic solutions for preserving and protecting properties. Whether it involves locating the source of rot, biocide preservative treatment, timber replacement, masonry irrigation and sterilization, or bower beam installations, their expertise ensures that property owners can trust in the durability, safety, and longevity of their structures. With Emory Preservations, timber-related issues are addressed comprehensively, safeguarding both the investment and the well-being of occupants.

Call us for a quote on 07736649407